Thursday, January 22, 2015

Event Planning How To : Fast Dinner Party Menu

Thinking of throwing a dinner party? no idea where to start? Let 1315 Event Space guide you! For this fast and easy dinner party menu you will need a slow cooker, and a rice cooker.

(And if you don't have either one of these items in your kitchen, head to and pick them up right now! Immediately! We've kept the appetizer simple, all you need to do is plate it up nicely, and take a trip to the local deli, and for dessert if your guests are not stuffed to death they'll have fun with this playful Banana Split!

Gather your Ingredients!

Appetizer - Prep time 10 minutes
1 Bottle of Red or White Wine
Red and White Grapes
Cheese Cubes
Mixed Olives

Fiesta Chicken
Entree - Prep time 15 minutes (we've done it in 10)
You will need 4-6 chicken breasts (defrosted) (feeds 4-5.. factor 1 breast per person)
2 tins of Black Beans
2 tins of Sweetcorn
1 cube of chicken stock
1 packet of McCormic Fiesta Chicken

Wild Mushroom Rice 
Side - Cooking time 15 minutes 
White Rice
1-2 packages of mixed mushrooms

Banana Split
Dessert - Prep time 10 minutes 
Fresh Whipped Cream
Chocolate Syrup

Entree Instructions
Before you leave the house, fire up your slow cooker! Open all your entree ingredients and place inside! Mix the chicken stock inside roughly a cup and a half of water and pour over chicken. Put the slow cooker on to high for 3-4 hours, and go to work, or the gym, or wherever it is you go during the day!

When you get home the smell of yummy food will have you drooling.

Rice Instructions - Set up the rice 10 - 15 minutes before your guests arrive.
Sautee the mushrooms in a pan with butter until soft, and then add to rice cooker with rice as per rice cooker instructions. To make sure the rice does not burn, put about 1/2 a cup of extra water then instructions call for, and turn it off as soon as you hear the timer click!

All of our friends adore this dessert, on a microwavable plate split the bananas down the middle and microwave for 15 seconds (ONLY 15 seconds you want the banana warm not boiling otherwise it will melt.)
Remove and place on a large Square plate if you have one (its a sharable dessie)! Garnish with Whipped cream, sprinkles and chocolate syrup. You can also add ice cream for extra oomph!

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